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The Universal Beauty Studio + Academy Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide hands-on training for aspiring beauty professionals with experienced licensed instructors. Through this program, apprentices will learn essential skills to operate and manage their own beauty business while honing their craft and completing necessary requirements to become licensed in the state of Missouri. The program caters to working adults who are looking to transition into a beauty career and is expected to take 6 to 9 months to complete, although determined apprentices can finish sooner.

Our Courses

  • Duration: 300 training hours and completion of 50 procedures.

  • Techniques Covered: Microblading, Ombre Brows, Powder Brows, Hybrid Brows, and Combination Brows.

  • Additionally, students will undergo training in Missouri statutes and regulations to ensure familiarity with the Standards of Practice.

  • Students receive a commission starting at 35% and progressing up to 60% as they gain experience.

  • All students are required to attend a minimum of 8 hours per week.

  • Out of these, 2 hours will be dedicated to theoretical studies.

  • Duration: 3 days

  • Students need to provide their own model for the practical session. If you are unable to bring your own model, Universal Beauty can procure one for you. Procurement of a model requires an additional $50 fee.

  • Course Fee: $1800, if you already obtain your tattoo license. 

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  • A tattoo license is required before attending this course.

  • Duration: 3 days

  • Students need to provide their own model for the practical session. If you are unable to bring your own model, Universal Beauty can procure one for you. Procurement of a model requires an additional $50 fee.

  • Course Fee: $2300



 A great thing about our program is you earn an income while going through the course. We offer two different types of financing, Traditional and In-House, both are reported to the Credit Bureau. A great way to build your credit for your business! Once, you reach clinical phase you will start making 35% moving up to 60% for each procedure. Following this model, graduates have the potential to earn back the money they invested in their training through the procedures they perform during their clinical training.

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